Ukoliko želite saradnju sa mnom pišite mi i odgovoriću vam u najkraćem mogućem roku. Hvala!


If you want to work with me contact me and I will answer you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Za knjige i književne događaje – for books and literary events, email me at: 



Za prodaju slika i dizajn – for artwork and design inquiries, email me at: 



Phone mobile: (00) +381 64 850 31 31

Zapratite me – Follow me: 

YT channel: yt channel anee

T w i t t e r :  tw profile anee

F b P a g e :   fb page anee 

Instagram:  ig profile anee

Linked  In  :  lnk profile anee

Pinterest :    pnt profile anee

T i k T o k :    shorturl.at/eopHV